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  • My 8am 2024 Morning routine to max out "creativity"

My 8am 2024 Morning routine to max out "creativity"

I know I know I know

I promised the no code tutorial part 3, i’m workin on it.

More in depth than I thought so give it some time & it will be over to you soon…


Today I am excited to share with you my 2024 morning routine for max creativity.

I said it was 8am in the title, but I actually have been waking up around 7am just before the sunrise, and to be honest i feel I actually want to bump it back to around 6:30.

We’ll see.

But without further do, here is the routine:

First off, you might notice I’m making youtube videos again?

Ya. Like sit down, youtube desk guy.

I talk about it in the vid.

Second - as far as the morning routine goes, it’s more of a framework than a routine.

Humans are organisms, not machines and so the routine should reflect that. It’s more flexible than a strict military regiment.

And THAT’s why it allows for creativity.

Here’s the rundown

  1. Movement

  2. Get into nature

  3. Breath work with WHM app

  4. Meditation / prayer

  5. Maxi - listen to master vision in app

  6. Coffee

  7. Writing

  8. Walk with Chloe

1. Movement

I am actively working on shooting out of bed each morning.

I’m reminded of the OG 5 second rule by Mel Robbins.

Counting down from 5 to 1 and forcing myself to make a physical movement out of bed before my mind can convince me otherwise.

Then I get dressed up nice and warm and head out into nature.

2. Get Into Nature


God’s creation.

Different in every moment and constantly spreading beauty.

You are who and what you surround yourself with. And in nature you thus become beauty. Everything you create then, thus becomes beauty as well.

So that’s why I prioritize nature.

3. Breath Work

This is the part of the routine I almost always don’t really want to do.

It’s kind of a pain, but after I do it it’s always rewarding.

I’m working on training my brain to enjoy it using Maxi.

The past 6 months or so I’ve been using the Wim Hoff app for the breath work sessions and it’s great. Try the “free your soul” soundtrack behind audio. It’s good.

4. Meditation / Prayer

Pretty basic. But good to search for a sense of inner peace and calm in the morning.

Recently watched this video, which was good.

Normally I focus on just being still and trying not to move my body. Typically when the body is calm, the mind reflects.

5. Maxi - Listen to Master Vision

Once fully grounded and mind a fertile ground, I start listening to my master vision within the new Maxi app.

In case you’re new here, the master vision is basically my plan for my entire life.

I listen to the master vision while envisioning everything in my head and either walking around in nature or sitting.

If you’re interested in trying out Maxi for 1 month for $1, then shoot me the word “2024” on instagram and I’ll send you a code plus some other goodies to get you going for the new year.

6. Coffee

Coffee time. The best time.

I have a particular way of brewing coffee the way my parents do.

I use a basic $70 ninja coffee maker with pete’s coffee grounds and cinnamon in the top of the thing. Then let it brew and just enjoy black coffee with a hint of cinnamon.

7. Writing (this is where I am now lol)

Just flowin.

Getting ideas crystalized onto the page.

8. Walk with Chloe

Chloe wakes up around 9:30 /10am, by which time I’ve completed all the previous steps, and we go for another walk and just get on the same page.

Your relationship with your woman is the most important relationship to get dialed in on. If you’re communication is off, it’s likely the rest of your life will be off.

But if you’re on the same page, I believe you have a massive advantage.

So that’s my routine bro.

Remember, you’re an organism, not a machine.

So I allow this to be fluid. I might do all this stuff every day, I might completely switch it up.

But yeah. Hope this was inspiring to you in some way.

Time for my morning walk with Chloe.

Get out into nature and move.



(No code email in the works)