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- On Achieving Total Alignment
On Achieving Total Alignment
My Journey and My Step by Step Process
Welcome to the 8AM MORNING MUSE, Arlin here.
The place where I unleash my morning ideas, stories, philosophies, and plans.
Today’s post is for anyone desperately yearning for total alignment in their life, business and relatinships…
In today’s morning muse, we will go over:
Story Time: How I Recently Achieved Total Self Confidence and Found 10/10 Alignment
Lesson 1 - Practicing Total Self Love To Achieve Total Self Confidence
Lesson 2 - How Self Love Applies to Relationships
Lesson 3 - Where You Put Your Time and Money is a Vote of Your Belief In Yourself
Action Items: Join Maxi, the Mastermind & Level Up
Closing Annecdote: The Lion Who Became a Sheep
Story Time: How I Recently Achieved Total Self Confidence and Found 10/10 Alignment
PART 1 of 5
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."
Imagine standing at the edge of an dark crevasse that falls down into hell—the ground beneath your feet crumbling, the darkness below calling your name. A gnawing pain in your chest.
I gotta be honest, the past few months i’ve been feeling like that — in terms of my confidence in my self, life direction, and sense of purpose.
Lost. Falling. Failing.
So many potential directions, things pulling me in different ways.
Desperately searching for the best of everything life has to offer in this human experience, of course I’ve been searching for an answer to feel, in my core total 10/10 alignment.
I define 10/10 alignment as total confidence in your self, your daily plans and actions, your relationships, and the path of your calling.
In other words, 10/10 Alignment is when you are totally certain and confident that each aspect of your life is bringing you toward total fulfillment of your life’s purpose.
And so, I’ve needed to get myself back on track… somehow…
A few weeks ago, I was talking to some friends about how I’ve been feeling… this lack of alignment… and my buddy Yacine recommended I talk to his ‘Somatic Therapist’.
This guy literally specializes in helping men achieve total alignment.
So I got on a call with him, and we essentially began by exploring my body for uncomfortable spots of tension - and then paired those feelings with whatever they brought up in my consciousness…
For example - I had this heavy sort of feeling in my chest, and the therapist asked me what it ‘brought up’. I told him it had something to do with my relationship with my girlfriend.
Then, we started ‘testing’ all sorts of thoughts and phrases relating to my girlfriend - stretching the boundaries of what I had previously been allowing myself to even think about.
We explored the extremes - breaking up with her, marrying her, having children with her, getting embarrassed in public by her.
And the more we went down each path, the more beliefs about my SELF rose to the surface…
It was extremely uncomfortable, but as time went on i became more and more comfortable in the uncertainty.
Finally, I reached a very interesting space in my sessions talking to the therapist.
I realized, that my discomfort in my chest that i was directing at my girlfriend was actually a reflection of how I felt about myself.
I actually didn’t fully love myself.
I didn’t fully accept myself.
I felt like that corny meme of the guy with Body Dismorphia who looks in the mirror and sees a smaller guy than the size he actually is…
How I Was Feeling About Myself
This image sums up the 7.5 feeling.
I knew, in reality, that I have achieved quite a bit for my age… However, in my inner self, how I viewed myself and how I felt was like some loser who has accomplished nothing.
And I had an epiphany — I was actually totally aware that this was how I perceived myself…. HOWEVER I had thought, all this time, that this was an advantage in life…
I thought - Well… If I think I’ve done a lot, then I won’t be motivated to become, do or achieve more! But this is a TOTAL fallacy.
Why? Well - we live in an energetic world which responds to frequency and vibration. The energy that I feel about myself, despite any outward circumstances, is the energy I project to other people.
So no matter how big, strong, rich, and ‘successful’ I become in the material world… if internally I feel like i’ve done nothing, that is the dominant energy I will project into the world.
AND ON TOP OF THAT - That is the energy I will project into my relationships…
So - in revisiting my relationship with my girlfriend, I realized that I was viewing her in the same way I viewed myself - ‘just nothing’, ‘not good enough’ and ‘will never be good enough’ in hopes that this would help her become so undeniably great, that one day I wouldn’t be able to
The problem with this is that there is no finish line to this mindset. It operates to infinity, and beyond.
So - after I had this realization, my mindset about myself and my relationship totally shifted.
And my NEW daily operating mindset is now this:
I am a 10 out of fucking 10. My girl is a 10 out of 10. And we will only continue to push the boundaries of what is possible.
I am a changed man.
Not only do I feel 10/10 as I write this to you, but I feel I now have a jetpack instead of a nebulous, invisible weight holding me back.
Self confidence breeds self confidence. And it feels amazing.
And not only that but I feel totally different about my relationship. Where previously I was hyper focusing on her imperfections and simultaneously REFUSING acknowledge on all the amazing qualities my girlfriend has, I now accept her imperfections and focus on all the amazing qualities she has now.
That last paragraph is a lot, but it’s key.
Old Paradigm: Refuse to acknowledge positives → Hyper focus on imperfections
New Paradigm: Accept imperfections and move beyond them → Hyper focus on positives
And I do this within myself and within my relationships…
Let’s dive into how you can make this your reality too.
Lesson 1: Practicing Total Self Love To Achieve Total Self Confidence
PART 2 of 5
Here are four ground rules before initiating a practice of self love
Achieving Self Confidence is a Practice — You must realize that you have been operating from a scarcity mindset that has been a habit for probably years, maybe even decades. And to overcome this you must PRACTICE.
Total Self Love = Total Self Acceptance — No matter where you are at in life, the first step of achieving Self Confidence, is Self Love. And the First step of self love is self acceptance. When you can look at every part of yourself and your life and ‘accept it’, only then can you begin to love. You cannot truly love what you can’t accept.
Achievement is Subjective Because Comparison is Limitless — Remember that levels of achievement are totally subjective. Someone just earned their first dollar in a new business can cause their own misery by comparing themself to their friend operating a six figure business. That friend can cause their own misery by comparing themself to a millionaire. A millionaire can compare himself to a billionaire. And guess what, a billionaire even after all that work, can still feel unfulfilled, and compares himself to a buddhist monk who is totally happy even though he has nothing.
Total Self Confidence occurs after Self Love — Total Self Confidence is a result of Total Self Love which is a byproduct of Total Self Acceptance.
Now - Here is the Practice
Step 1 - Write down everything that upsets you about your life. All the outward circumstances - whether its the relationships you have, the money you’ve made, the amount of success you’ve achieved. Ask yourself, what’s not good enough?
Step 2 - Then, flip the mirror on yourself. Where are YOU not good enough for yourself? Then make a list of all the ways you can at the very least ACCEPT yourself.
Make a list of what’s not good enough, and move your feeling about these things to a feeling of acceptance
Make a list of things you LOVE about yourself
Review this list every single day. Make it your phone background. Print it out in multiple places and put it around your house. Practice the affirmation, “I accept myself. I love myself. I am totally confident in myself.
Step 3 - From this new place of self love, revisit the first list. How do you view these things in your life which you used to loathe, which you used to think are “not good enough?”
How can you accept the imperfections of your current life circumstances, relationships, and accomplishments… And hyper focus on the positives you have already achieved?
Chances are, you’ve elevated to a new level. A level of total alignment and mental abundance.
You attract what you are. And because you now accept yourself, and focus on your best and biggest accomplishments, you will now attract more of that.
Maxi Win of The Week
In case you live under a rock, Maxi is a goal setting, and mindset transformation, 80/20 productivity tool I invited about 4 years ago. The new app released in December and it’s hot.
Click here to sign up for Maxi and start transforming…
Lesson 2: Journalling Questions for Operating From a New World of Total Alignment
PART 3 of 5
What does life now look like if you had total 100% confidence in yourself? — In other words, if you had no fear about judgement, or success of the outcome, what would you be doing today and every day?
If you were optimizing for the creation of your highest calling rather than money, what would you pursue? — Does this answer resonate in your core? Would you bleed for this?
How would you live your life, day to day, if you had 100 million dollars? — A different phrasing of the previous question.
If you had to eliminate everything in your life but 1 thing, even if that 1 thing didn’t make you money right now, what would that 1 thing be? — And how can you dedicate at least 4 hours per day to pursuing that one thing?
What is your soul calling you to do? — And what is the devil trying to prevent you from doing? How is the devil distracting you? Feel into this. Meditate on this.
Top Links of the Week:
my first song is out on youtube, spotify and apple - add to your summer Europe vibes playlist
this is one of the best youtube videos I’ve made in a while (link)
here’s my current read on mastering life & spirituality recommended to me by Bryan Callen (link to amazon book checkout)
my current daily meditation and prayer book (link to amazon book checkout) make sure to read the intro
I spent hours making this video on removing toxic shame from your body for you - watch here (link to YT)
crypto update - bitcoin around $70k, my alts down 20% last 24hrs, but up like 400% the past 30 days.
health hack of the weak - Portal - me and Chloe’s every night sleep supplement
one of the best youtube videos I’ve made in a while (link)
Lesson 3: Where You Put Your Time and Money is a Vote of Your Belief In Yourself
PART 4 of 5
You Are In Charge of Time Allocation — You and you only are responsible for how you invest your time. Begin by taking full accountability of this.
Time is Money, Money is Time — If you work to earn money, you can denote a relationship between the value of your time and the value of money. Of course, if you have an hourly rate, this is obvious. But even if you own a business or are an investor, the amount of time it takes to manage your money, relative to the output is the cost of your time. And this cost of time can be translated to other activities in your life. You can also have an aspirational hourly rate and act from that even if it’s not true yet in reality. For example - if you believe you are worth $10,000 and hour. You can refuse to do any work for anyone else unless they pay you that rate. It might take a while to get to that rate, but if you act from that now, it is likely you will get there faster rather than wasting time on less valuable activity.
Allocation of Time and Money is a Vote to What You Believe In — If you put 50% of your net worth into your investment portfolio and 50% into your own business, instead of 100% into your own business… You are telling yourself that you believe in your business 50 and crypto equally… Something to ponder…
What You Don’t Put Time and Money Into, You Don’t Believe In — That which you don’t put money into, you don’t believe in. For example, if you don’t invest in yourself in terms of your health, gym membership, living situation, wellness, education, coaching and mentorships, you probably don’t have a ton of self belief.
Therefore, If you had Total Self Love, Confidence and 10/10 Alignment Allocate Time and Money — how would you spend your time and money? I encourage you to think about Elon Musk, Kanye West, Jeff Bezos, titans of achievement. Are they ‘hoping’ their crypto portfolio will boom? OR are they SO in alignment. SO confident. That they pour EVERYTHING they have into their OWN venture?
Action Items
PART 5 of 5
Arlin’s Mastermind - Get a 1:1 life mapping and blueprint call with me, followed by 2x weekly coaching and accountability calls led by me and alongside a network of business owners from around the world. $6k. Checkout here.
Sign up for Maxi and start transforming your life.
Dozens of hours of cool / inspiring videos on my youtube here
Dozens of hours of free educational training videos on my second youtube here
Join a free workshop on how to create total abundance in your social life, relationship & network. Attract high level men & women with ease. The 4 hour work week of social life building.
Anchoring Mindset of The Day
“I love myself. Totally. Fully. And Completely. When I love myself, I reverberate Self Love to everyone around me.’
The Lion Who Became a Sheep
Below is a parable written by Paramahansa Yogananda… The tale of a Lion who became a sheep. Perhaps you will see some parallels to the above article!
A lioness, huge with an unborn baby lion in her body, was growing weak from lack of food. As the baby lion grew heavier within her, she could not move quickly enough to catch any prey.
Roaring with sadness and hunger, and heavy with the baby lion, the lioness fell asleep at the edge of the forest near a pasture. As she dozed, she dreamt of seeing a flock of sheep grazing. When, in her dream, she pounced on one of the sheep, she jerked herself awake. With surprise and great joy, she discovered that her dream was true: a large flock of sheep grazed in the pasture right near her.
Forgetting the heavy baby lion in her body, and impelled by the madness of hunger, the lioness pounced on one of the young lambs and took it into the depths of the forest. The lioness did not realize that during the exertion of her mad leap at the lamb she had given birth to the baby lion.
The flock of sheep were so paralyzed with fear by the attack of the lioness that they couldn’t run away. When the lioness had departed and the panic was over, the sheep woke from their stupor. They began to bleat out lamentations for their lost comrade, when, to their great astonishment, they discovered the helpless baby lion crooning in their midst. One of the mother sheep took pity on the baby lion and adopted it as her own.
The young lion grew up amidst the flock of sheep. Several years passed, and there, with a flock of sheep, roamed a huge lion with long mane and tail, behaving exactly like a sheep. The sheep-lion bleated instead of roaring and ate grass instead of meat. This vegetarian lion acted exactly like a weak, meek lamb.
One day, another lion strolled out of the nearby forest onto the green pasture, and to his great delight beheld this flock of sheep. Thrilled with joy and whipped by hunger, the great lion pursued the fleeing flock of sheep, when, with amazement, he saw a huge lion, with tail high up in the air, fleeing at top speed ahead of the sheep.
The older lion paused for a moment, scratched his head, and pondered within himself: “I can understand the sheep flying away from me, but I cannot imagine why this stalwart lion should run at the sight of me. This runaway lion interests me.” Ignoring his hunger, he raced hard and pounced upon the escaping lion. The sheep-lion fainted with fear. The big lion was puzzled more than ever, and slapped the sheep-lion out of his swoon. In a deep voice he rebuked, “What’s the matter with you?! Why do you, my brother, flee from me?”
The sheep-lion closed his eyes and bleated out in sheep language, “Please let me go. Don’t kill me. I’m just a sheep brought up with yonder flock.”
“Oh, now I see why you’re bleating.” The big lion pondered again, and a great idea flashed upon him. He caught the sheep-lion by the mane with his mighty jaws and dragged him toward a lake at the end of the pasture. When the big lion reached the shore of the lake, he pushed the sheep-lion’s head so that it was reflected in the water. He began to shake the sheep-lion, who still had his eyes tightly closed, saying, “Open your eyes! Look! You are not a sheep.”
“Bleat, bleat, bleat. Please don’t kill me. Let me go. I am not a lion, but only a poor, meek sheep,” wailed the sheep-lion.
The big lion gave the sheep-lion a terrible shake. The sheep-lion opened his eyes, and was astonished to find that the reflection of his head was not, as he expected, a sheep’s head but a lion’s head, like that of the lion who was shaking him with his paw. Then the big lion said, “Look at my face and your face reflected in the water. They are the same. My face roars. Now! You must roar instead of bleating!”
The sheep-lion, convinced, tried to roar, but could only produce bleat-mingled roars. As the older lion continued to exhort him with slapping paws, the sheep-lion at last succeeded in roaring. Then both lions bounded across the pasture, entered the forest, and returned to the den of lions.