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The Billion Dollar 1 Person Business
Yesterday I released a video titled, The Billion Dollar 1 Person (or no person) Business.
Throughout the video you’ll see me hanging out with some pretty successful entrepreneurial friends.
Tim Luong - Foounder of an education company doing $1-2mm per month
Jordan Greenfield - founder of hoo.be which has attracted users like Jeff Bezos, David Dobrik, Tom Brady, Alix Earle, and hundreds of thousands of other creators…
Quazi Johir - YouTuber with 600k+ subs, and a highly lean and profitable million dollar business.
Yacine Sibous - Founder / Co-Founder of Parker, a bank of e-commerce businesses. They’ve raised $250 million to date.
Milan Ray - Founder / Co-Founder of Parker with Yacine, also a true yogi monk who meditates 4 hours per day+
Matt Faulk - Currenlt full time DJ, but before than exited his company for $250million
Alex Hormozi also makes an appearance in the video.
All of the above names, aside from Matt and Jordan, were actually in Vegas for Hormozi’s event. The Acquisition . com headquarters was hosting a 2 day mastermind for million dollar business entrepreneurs seeking to grow to hundreds of millions of dollars eventually exit.
Throughout Alex’s event, I learned quite a lot. We got workbooks and talks from executives on his team(s) - including the director of Sales for Acquisition, the CEO of Gym Launch, his head of marketing and head of creative behind their massively viral social media strategy, among many others.
It’s not really a surprise to me that with such a high level exec team and obviously profitable business model that Alex would have zero interest in a 1 person or no person business.
After all, it’s probably a little bit early to be talking about actually trying to do such a thing, but that’s the point of why I want to start talking about it and attacking it head on.
Sam Altman, the founder of Open AI and ChatGPT recently came out in a video saying:
“In my little groupchat with my tech CEO friends there’s this betting pool for the first year that there is a one-person billion dollar company, which would have been unimaginable without AI and now will happen.”
So who knows exactly when it will happen, maybe the true tech geniuses like Sam & his buddies are predicting 2030 and I’m just way too early.
But, I’m delusional.
And in the past few years I’ve been able to go from a 6 figure to now 7 figure million dollar 1 person business.
So what’s stopping me from believing in a billion dollar 1 person business?
I think the first person that got me fascinated with the idea was Tim Ferris in the 4 Hour Work Week.
Tim was always focusing on growing massively automated businesses, even before Ai. I can’t imagine how the 4hww would have looked with the tools we have access to today.
But I’ve made it my mission to carry the torch and explore the tools available to super charge my businesses and products as large as possible, and to share my findings in this Newsletter, through instagram, and across YouTube - which by the way are all just me operating and distributing among these channels.
I believe that people are tired of seeing mass distributed content - the Andrew Tate content strategy was truly brilliant, creating a vast amount of ‘fan’ accounts that redistribute his viral posts and have the ability to earn commissions to his digital product.
But now - hormozi is on it, matt grey, belmar, gadzhi, and so many others are pursuing the SAME exact strategy.
I believe that people are hungry for authentic human content with a human soul touch on everything that goes out.
I almost wish there was a social media platform that could somehow verify if the person typing or putting out the content was actually the 1 person that is in the video or that the content is about. It just feels closer to ‘home’ knowing that even a piece of podcast content was chosen and published by the creator, rather than their head of their chief of content quality checking the posts.
How I’m Handling my Content to Maximize Output But Still Create The Closest Human Soul Touch
I am focusing on creating content on 4 channels that feel most authentic to me - YouTube, Instagram, a Podcast and this Newsletter
The content I post on this Newsletter is unique to this newsletter, helps me crystalize my ideas that may morph into original IG and YouTube content. And the content on YouTube I will sometimes share bits of on instagram.
When I do podcasts, I’ll use ai content editors and caption tools like Opus pro to chop up the clips & then I’ll review them myself and choose the clips that are most aligned.
I believe this way of handling content in this age of ai and mass automation builds trust with my audience and makes everything I put out much more potent, impactful, and filled with SOUL and LIGHT in comparison to what others are putting out there that feel like cookie cutter BS.
The comments are echoing this intention:

Unlike almost everyone else you scroll past on social media, I’m actually not focused on growth.
I’m focused on depth.
I’m going deeper with the audience I have, rather than trying to gain new eye balls. My audience will spread the word for me, and I don’t need nor do I want an algo to help me.
Now, sometimes, by some cosmic alignment, what I feel most authentic to put out onto the internet happens to align with what the algo is pushing. These 2 streams of energy rarely align, but when they do it almost always has strange consequences.
For example, I posted a clip about the billion dollar 1 person business and how I replaced my entire team with ai. Most of my current followers were in support, but it then also brought in an entire band of basically idiots that came in to cause havoc in the comment section. Disrupting the peace, smh.
Sometimes of course, you can go viral and receive positive feedback.
But it’s not about going viral, the it’s about providing content so valuable that people feel the need to share it.
How I’m Handling Business to Maximize Enterprise Value
At the Hormozi event, one of the key focuses was on building a business to maximize enterprise value and doing so by thinking like an investor.
I got this comment on my recent video I’ll address in greater length here:

User-ui7he5ld4l actually makes a valid point.
Isn’t a 1 person business NOT sellable because it depends on 1 person?
Actually, no.
Who said the 1 person has to be me or you?
The goal is to build a business operated by a single operator, but then you are the owner of that business, not the operator, and eventually if you choose to, you can sell it.
This is stage one. Eventually the operator is replaced by some general ai than can do all of the things that the single operator was doing. We’re probably a bit far from this, but a lot closer than I believe many people realize.
Take my business Maxi for example.
Maxi is actually actually very close to being a 1 person multi-million dollar business.
So what makes a business valuable?
How To Value a Business
The enterprise value of a business is essentially the Revenue, multipled by a set of (value adders, subtracted from a set of value detractors).
Put into an equation:
Enterprise Value = Revenue x (Value Adders - Value Detractors)
List of Value Adders:
Revenue Growth % greater than 30%
Recurring Revenue % of total revenue greater than 80%
Ebidta margin greater than 30%
List of Value Detractors:
The Business is dependent on 1 key person that can’t be replaced
The Business is dependent on 1 key client that accounts for most of the revenue
The Business is dependent on a single channel
The Market the business is in is shrinking or at risk
The Business has unclear data or financials
If you’ve heard of “multiples” on the value of a business. For example, maybe you have heard some say that a business sold for a 10x multiple. Or maybe you’ve heard that tech companies typically have a 20x multiple on them
Well - this equation, and the Hormozi workshop showed us how to factor roughly what the multiple will be.
We all received a workbook that quantified that multipliers for each of the value adders and detractors, and then we filled in some numbers about our business. For example a business with revenue over $10,000,000 per year receives a value adder score of 6 as a multiple, and a business with a key person risk receives a value detractor score of 3.
Altogether when you add up the scores of the value adders, and subtract them by the value detractors you get a value between 0 and 12. And you take this number and multiply it by the EBIDTA (earnings before interest, debt, tax, and amortization).
Make sense?
In simple terms, the enterprise value of a business that makes $1 million per year, which is mostly recurring revenue, high margin, isn’t dependent on a single person, channel, client and has no market risk, can sell for roughly $5-10 million.
How I’m Acting On This Information
Whether you want to sell your business or not, I found that understanding enterprise value is incredibly helpful in directing where a business owner should direct their attention.
For example, it showed me that basically the only thing I need to focus on for Maxi is eliminating the Key person and channel risk, by either focusing on growing an affiliate program, or mastering cold traffic.
For you, it might mean trying to shift your business to more of a recurring revenue product, or eliminating the value detractors, or something else.
I’m reminded of this old Tim Ferris graphic for business decision making:

Particularly for the question box titled, “can it be outsourced?” I would rephrase this to, “can it be automated with tech / ai or must it be outsourced?”
Actionable Insights: From Ideas to Execution
The following is a list of steps that I would take if I were looking to create a million dollar 1 person business from scratch.
Meditate, get in touch with the divine spiritual current of energy from which everything manifests
Receive divine insight about some business to start (do not just follow trends on social media. The best business ideas come from within and are tested for market need later.)
Focus on how the business could be a recurring business model
Build an audience by talking about your idea on social media
Build an MVP by consulting with ChatGPT and Youtube university
Start selling your idea, gathering customer feedback and iterating on the idea until it is profitable and growing
Eliminate value detractors 1 by 1
Sell or continue building:
I hope this was useful and inspiring. If it was, and you made it all the way down to here, you might enjoy my paid group which i’ve retitled to “The Ninjapreneur”.
In Ninjapreneur, we meet twice per week to discuss all of the above. We dive deep. You can ask me questions about your business & situation. You get all of my courses that I’ve created including Tribe Accelerator (the best social circle building and dating course on the planet), CourseBldr (how to build profitable digital products), and now the Ninjapreneur Academy (how to build a futuristic business and personal brand to make money). You also get access to my entire fitness stack & 15 workouts.
If you’re interested in joining Ninjapreneur, it’s probably a good fit, just need to workout finances which we have solid options for. DM me on instagram that you want in and I’ll ask you a few questions to see if it’s a right fit.
Guys are crushing business, fitness & social:

That’s all for today.
From here, check out my latest video I mentioned earlier and have a great day!: