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- How To Build a No Code Software Money Printer [Ch. 1 of 3]
How To Build a No Code Software Money Printer [Ch. 1 of 3]
Without Investment Money, Tech People, Experience or Skill
You have an idea, an idea for an app.
Or maybe you don’t even have an idea… But you want to start an app.
Zuckerberg did it from a dorm room. How hard could it be nowadays with the help of ChatGPT and all these other ai and no code tools coming out?
Well, I’m here to tell you, it’s not that hard.
At all.
And in the following few emails I’m going to break down exactly how I built a No Code software completely from scratch with zero knowledge of how any of the shit works, to making $20,000 a month recurring income.
NOTE: Read this post to the end. Very important story that will help you find your ultimate calling in life. And, there’s a journal prompt that changed my life. Enjoy
Common Objections
Before we go into this let’s lay down some common objections:
There’s no such thing as true ‘no code’ right? I mean you need to use low code tools like bubble or flutter, right?
Not true. I built the original version of my program, Maxi, using literally zero code. The version available today is built using flutter, and I paid a dev to make it, however the OG Maxi that ran for 4 years and helped thousands of people transform their mindset was 100% no code built.
It’s easy for you to grow a subscription software tool with the audience you’ve built… I couldn’t do this myself because I don’t have a following
You’re correct that my social media following has made it easier to release my program to users. But that doesn't mean you can’t start your own brand literally today, start talking about the brand on tik tok or ig reels, and then 30 days later have a cult following and customers becoming members on your app.
Having a personal brand however, is a MASSIVE advantage and believe me when I tell you this - I have some friends who are in serious tech businesses… And guess what, they are all coming to ME for help on how to build their personal brand.
What if I don’t have an idea? But i want to build an app…
Yup. Buckle up I’m going to break down how, in my experience, the best software ideas come about.
Part 1: The App Idea
I’ll never forget the part of the movie the Social Network when Mark Zuckerberg is sitting bored out of his mind in some college class at Harvard, and his friend enters the room with a question for him…

“Mark… do you by chance know if Sara is single?”
Mark, unamused, regrettably, looks up from his desk.
“No,” he says. And puts his head backdown to his computer.
"Well… do you by chance know if shes… seeing anybody?”
Now, Zuckerberg very annoyed at the second interupption bursts out at his friend, “Listen man. People don’t walk around with a sign on their chest saying whether they’re in a relationship or not—”
Three seconds later. Zuckerberg gets up from his desk and sprints out of the hallway into the snow, wearing flip flops, and up to his dorm room to build the infamous “Relationship Status” feature into Facebook.

To be honest, this is not really how it happened for me with Maxi at all. The process was much more long and drawn out process and actually started when I was about 15.
When I was 15, I started to have panic and anxiety attacks. I started to feel extremely doom-ful (that’s the best way I could describe it). And I started to experience negative thinking patterns all the time.
I’d drive to school every morning, and every thought in my head was negative. It was as dark as, “why don’t you just kill yourself.”
Now, I didn’t want to kill myself, BUT I was having these thoughts. I just felt, worst of all that I had absolutely no control over my own mind and emotions.
And if you are experiencing thoughts like this, tell someone. For the love of God. You don’t know how many people actually care about you.
Now, back to ME. lol, jk. Love you, but seriously ^. Do that. But also, keep reading.
It wasn’t until I was 18 that I finally discovered the world of personal development, and I started meditating, gratitude journalling, and practicing affirmations that I was able to begin shifting my mind.
I became weirdly obsessed with neuroplasticiity, the idea that you can change the brain with the proper inputs. And I spent countless hours researching.
And, finally, when I felt had read enough literature on the matter to earn a PhD, and I had actually transformed my mind completely, into my brain popped a vague “blurry” idea…
It had taken me several books and tedious hours of research to learn how to control my mind. It’s confusing with so many books out there. I wish there was a tool that just organized all of these principles simply, and easily.
That was it. I wished there was a tool that didn’t exist.
And I didn’t do anything about it for about 4 years. Then, 4 years later, I had a massive idea smack me in the face. And that idea was for Maxi.
At the time, I had recently paid $5,000 for a brotherhood and mentorship group with bi weekly coaching calls. I was showing up the calls hoping to get some help on how I could really level up.
I told the coach about my ‘blurry idea’ for a self improvement, mental reprogramming type app… But the details were a mystery beyond that. The app idea was a vague feeling inside of me, rather than a fully detailed plan or roadmap.
And so, my coach told me to sit myself in a room for 2 hours, and just journal about the idea, and that i should specifically focus on “doing my best” and allowing whatever flowed to come out of me.
So I started my journalling session, and 2 hours later, I had the vision and outline for Maxi done:

My original notes for Maxi, January 2020
The idea had been sitting there all along. But just like that, after 4 years of it brewing in my subconscious, I had finally channeled it onto the page.
Only 1 problem.
I don’t know the first thing about coding.
PS - sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger, but the part 2 of this email & story will be in your inbox tomorrow. Look out for that 🙂 in the meantime, I want you to think about the exercise i mentioned above.
What if you gave yourself 2 hours to sit down and journal. And ALLOW yourself to let the biggest idea of your life pour onto the page. We don’t do this because we are actually afraid of our own potential. But do it. Set a timer. Lock your doors and get it done. There is greatness inside of you and you must unleash it to the world.
DM me what happens when you do this.
In the original words on the yellow sheet of paper for the assignment:
JOURNAL PROMPT: “What am I avoiding building? Then don’t worry about step 1. Set a non-negotiable 2 hour work block and Do what YOU can do in 2 hours. If you could only sell 1 product for the rest of your life, what would it be?”
PPS - This isn’t for everyone. Not everyone is destined to become a tech app founder. Don’t force it. BUT you can use this exercise to channel whatever you might be avoiding doing in life that would take you to the next step. So do it anyway! Love, peace, -arlin