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- (8AM Album Dropped) & Why Every Day Life is The True Spiritual Life Path
(8AM Album Dropped) & Why Every Day Life is The True Spiritual Life Path
Why Spiritual Growth Is the Key to Every Aspect of Your Life
Peace and blessings to you and your loved ones…
Arlin here…
So the 8AM Album is now out everywhere… apple and spotify… wherever else you listen to music…
I’ll also be posting a set link to my first performance of the album…
I invite you at this time to check out the 8AM store… www.8amHouse.com
Passwords to the site will be given to anyone who shares the 8AM Album through social media either through story posts, or through tik toks and reels. And if you end up purchasing something please share photos with me on instagram @arlin - I’d love to see what you pick up. As always, I’m incredibly grateful for your support as it allows me to pursue future projects like the 8AM album, events, and more.
Anyway as you listen to that - let’s get into today’s message of the day that you can contemplate as you listen to the 8AM album.
It's easy to think of your spiritual life as something separate from your "normal" life, as if spirituality is just a box to check off—something to fit in between work, family, and daily responsibilities.
Welp! I did my 15 minutes of meditation today so guess I’m done with my ‘spirituality box’!
But let me tell you, if you see it that way, you’ll never make real progress.
Spirituality isn’t something you do even in an hour of meditation, or during a weekend retreat, or when you drop a donation in the charity box.
It’s not about occasional selfless acts, like giving away something you don’t need. These moments are nice, sure, but they don’t capture the essence of true spirituality. True spirituality is a state of being—it’s not something you do or don’t do. It’s about how you live every moment of your life.
Your relationships, your work, your finances—every single aspect of your life is tied to your spiritual growth. You are either using the things that happen to you on a moment-to-moment basis to liberate yourself, or you’re using them to reinforce the cage you’ve built around your personal self.
This personal self, which comes as part of the package deal with your body, is built from the thoughts, emotions, and habits you’ve developed over the years. It’s like any physical habit you have—it runs your life if you let it.
The mind is a brilliant tool—it can think lofty thoughts, analyze complex situations, and remember details from the past. And your emotions and your heart add richness to your experiences, like an orchestra playing the soundtrack to your life. These are beautiful gifts, but what you’ve done with them may not be so beautiful.
The discomfort you feel inside, the unease, the anxiety—it’s because you’ve stored negativity in your psyche.
For a moment…
Imagine taking rotten food that made you sick and storing it in your pantry just to remind yourself how bad it was.
You wouldn’t do that, right?
Yet, that’s exactly what you do when you store the negative experiences of your past inside of you.
Over time, these become the foundation of your psyche.
This is the first layer of your psyche—the stored negativity, the experiences you couldn’t handle and didn’t let go.
Like someone collecting stamps or coins, you’ve collected bad experiences, and you’ve stored them inside your personal bin.
Naturally, if you’ve filled yourself with this kind of garbage, it’s going to stink in there.
And that’s just the first layer.
The next layer of your psyche is the part of you that’s constantly trying to make it nice inside, to make it feel okay despite all the garbage you’ve stored. But you don’t know how. The answer, which seems so simple yet eludes most, is to stop storing the garbage.
But instead, you create an entire mental strategy to manipulate the world around you so it doesn’t hit your stuff. You develop thoughts, habits, and actions all designed to keep you from feeling discomfort.
Let’s say you’ve decided you want to get married, have three kids, live in a nice house, and get promoted at work.
You lay out this entire plan for how life needs to be so that you can feel okay inside.
But life doesn’t just fall into place according to your plans.
So now, you develop tactics to try and make it happen. You start strategizing, manipulating people, situations, and events, trying to force life into the shape that matches your concept of happiness.
But here’s the thing—you’re never going to get everything exactly the way you want it. Even if you manage to control one moment, the next moment is out of your control, and you’re right back to square one. It’s like trying to hold back the ocean with a teaspoon. And that’s how most people live their lives, constantly trying to control the uncontrollable.
What’s the alternative? The alternative is spirituality—a complete paradigm shift. Spirituality isn’t about wearing the right clothes, eating the right foods, or following a strict set of rituals. It’s about letting go of the layers of self you’ve built up over the years. It’s about releasing the garbage you’ve stored inside, not layering more on top to try and protect yourself.
Spirituality is living life inside out. Instead of trying to make the world match your inner needs, you start by cleaning up the inside. This is why the great spiritual teachings say, “Work at the root.” The root of all the mess in your life is the garbage you’ve stored inside. If you get rid of that, you won’t need to control the world around you because you’ll be at peace no matter what’s happening.
Christ said, "You must die to be reborn."
What he meant was that you need to let go of this personal self, this collection of thoughts, emotions, and habits that you call "me." You need to die to that self to be reborn into your true self, the pure consciousness that exists beyond all the noise of the mind.
So how do you do this? You start by not adding any more garbage. Stop reacting to life in ways that store more negativity inside of you. When you feel anger, jealousy, or fear rising up, recognize that these are just the old stored experiences trying to come up and be released. Don’t push them back down. Don’t act on them. Just let them pass through you.
If you do this consistently, you’ll start to notice a shift. You’ll find that your inner world becomes lighter, less burdened. You’ll start to experience peace, not because everything outside of you is perfect, but because you’ve cleaned up the inside.
And then, something miraculous happens—you start to feel the joy of simply being alive.
The joy… of being alive… this is a real thing you can experience…
You wake up in the morning happy, not because of anything external, but because you’ve let go of the inner garbage that was weighing you down.
This is the true meaning of spirituality. It’s not a weekend retreat or an hour of meditation. It’s a moment-to-moment practice of letting go of the part of you that causes you trouble. Every moment is an opportunity for spiritual growth, for letting go of another piece of the personal self that’s been holding you back.
Over time, as you let go of more and more of this inner garbage, you’ll experience a deeper state of being. This is what the yogis call "Sat-Chit-Ananda"—Eternal Conscious Bliss. It’s not something you have to achieve; it’s your natural state once you’ve cleaned out the garbage that’s been blocking it.
And then, you’ll find that you’re not just living life, you’re radiating life.
Your presence will uplift those around you, not because of what you say or do, but because of who you are.
You’ll be living from the inside out, fed not by the external world, but by the infinite wellspring of joy that is your true nature.
This is the spiritual life. It’s not about believing the right things, saying the right words, or performing the right rituals. It’s about letting go of everything that isn’t you so that what’s left is the pure, infinite consciousness that you truly are.
So start today.
Start letting go of the things that are weighing you down.
Stop storing garbage and start cleaning up the inside.
Every moment of your life is an opportunity to practice, to grow, to become more of who you really are.
And as you do this, you’ll find that life becomes not just bearable, but beautiful, exciting, and full of radiating joy in every direction.
With love and in truth,
PS - if you’re enjoying these letters, please share parts that resonate on your instagram story and tag me! *AND USE THE 8AM ALBUM SONGS IN YOUR STORIES AND REELS. They should be available as of today…. And / or DM me your feedback on instagram I read and respond to almost all DMs.