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Good news, let's make you some $
Live in 1 hour to help you make $10k /mo on IG
Just ran a poll on my IG:
87% of you are making less than $10,000 per month on instagram.
I don’t care if you’re broke or making millions elsewhere, if you’re not leveraging zucky’s platform, you’re seriously missing out on a lot imo.
Zuck engineered the perfect making money and making friends machine and I need you to pay attention to it more.
I’ve put out all the content in the world on making friends using IG, but I guess not enough on making money.
But I have good news:
Click that link and at 4pm est I’ll be walking you guys through steps to get to $10k a month using Instagram as your main marketing channel.
Only 500 spots
I’ve maniacly studied and tested different ways of making money specifically through instagram and I’m excited to share what i’ve found with you.
I’ll be giving away more than $100k of value.
So I’ll see you at 4pm est, that’s in like a couple hours.
And yes, if you can’t make it i’ll drop a recording somewhere soon.
Now I know what you may perhaps be thinking:
"Arlin. I'm interested. I have been trying to build a personal brand, but can't seem to monetize it"
Here's why you're not making money from your page.
1. You suck at sales, or simply are not investing time into it
2. You suck at building an actual relationship with your followers. They follow you for some gimmicky surface level reason, but don't actually care about you.
3. You are selling the wrong product & can't find PFM, product market fit.
4. Overall mindset & confidence issues, lacking consistency, blockage mentally in posting content
5. You're using old outdated tech
You Suck At Sales
Young grass hopper.
80% of business is sales…
You're beating around the bush doing 80% of stuff that doesn't matter.
One must learn to sell & then sell. And sell more. And focus 80% on selling.
Or you just don't know what to do at all to improve at sales.
Guess how you get good at sales.
You just do it more. Spend more time on it. And you figure it out.
There is no avoiding this.
Unless you’re just absolutely nasty at building crazy products.
But this is a 0.00001% skill.
You Have Weak Relationship Building Skills
You're just a guy or girl who posts stuff, at random, and got lucky.
No understanding of the psychology behind why someone would click follow and actually care about you or buy your stuff
Plenty of famous people out there who are broke because they basically got lucky or are just good at entertaining
You're selling the wrong product or can't find PFM
PFM = Product Market Fit
Aka the best state of a business to be.
You are basically probably looking at what other people are doing, copying their product, slapping a price on it & its not doing anything.
So you get sad, confused & just stop trying
Your product might also suck because you didn't sell before build & listen to customer feedback.
First off, failing is part of the game. You need to do your own market research, build your own thesis, and sell before build.
You also might just be selling the wrong product.
Overall Mindset Issues, Can’t Be Consistent, In Fear
Mindset should actually have been #1 here
You need a bullet proof mindset to get into personal brand money.
You need to be
unappologetically yourself.
And you can't take advice or change your position to assuage outsiders.
You have to transform your mind from a consumption machine into a production machine.
The most successful personal brands do heavy work on their psyche to be able to achieve unlimitted and unfiltered streams of consciousness that turns into content.
They have no fear of judgement.
You're using old, outdated tech
Sending ppl to Calendly, Zoom, Kajabi.
Stuff is old.
& so probably everything else about the way you're trying to grow is old.
You’re filming reels that start like this, "Here's 3 tips to!!-"
The Ninjapreneur is an artist.
Not some regurgitation of some other person.
You might not even realize the Ninjapreneur is selling to you.
They're just cool. And you want to follow & support.
So on today’s call in about an hour now, I’ll be sharing some new fresh stuff about personal branding & making your $10k a month from it.
It’s really much more doable than you think