LET IT BE - The Hidden Key to Peace

How to Return to the Source of Your True Self

Hi Everyone,

What if I told you that every single person, regardless of their background, status, or beliefs, is chasing the exact same thing? 

But they don’t really know exactly what it is…

Including you who is reading this right now…

And I’ll prove that to you… now.

It doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, rich or poor, good or bad—we’re all seeking the same core experience: to feel complete, to feel whole, to be at peace. This universal desire is driven by our indwelling Consciousness, which naturally seeks to rest in a state of peace and well-being.

Sounds simple right?

It is… But here’s the kicker—most of us have no idea why we don’t feel that way most of the time. 

Like - Why is it so hard to just be okay? 

Why does peace seem so elusive? 

The answer is surprisingly simple: **our Consciousness is constantly being distracted**.

Picture this: You’re having a wonderful meal, feeling completely content. Suddenly, there’s a loud noise outside. Instantly, your attention shifts, and the peace you were enjoying vanishes in a split second. What happened? Your Consciousness got distracted. It’s the same Consciousness, the same you, but now you’re focused on something else, and that peaceful feeling is gone.

This is the crux of our daily experience and why we can’t be okay. Our Consciousness is drawn away from its natural blissful state of peace by things that catch our attention away from it, whether through fear or desire. 

It’s the whole time, we just get constantly distracted by it like we’re being tossed around in a wave pool.

Here’s the thing—*not* everything distracts you, does it? It’s only when something aligns with your fears or desires, it grabs your attention, pulling you out of your seat of Consciousness.

Let’s make this real simple. You, me, everyone—we are Consciousness, awareness itself. 

The soul if you will…

We sit in the seat of Consciousness, sort of like sitting on a couch watching TV. 

You might be totally engrossed in the show you’re watching, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re still on the couch, right? Your body didn’t move, only your attention did.

The same applies to Consciousness. Even when your attention is drawn to something outside of yourself, you never actually leave your seat of Consciousness. You’re always there. It’s just that your awareness has been projected onto something else, something external, and you’ve lost sight of where you really are.

So what’s the point?

The essence of all spiritual paths—whether it’s Christinaity, Judaism, yoga, Zen Buddhism, or any other—is about returning to this seat of Consciousness.

And the secret? You’re already there. You don’t need to embark on some mystical journey to find it. 

You just need to stop leaving it.

Let’s take it a step further. Consciousness is beautiful. It’s not just the most important thing in the universe; it’s the very source of all beauty and everything. 

When you rest in your true seat of Consciousness, you naturally experience what the ancient sages called "sat-chit-ananda"—Eternal Conscious Bliss. 

This isn’t something you achieve through effort. It’s the natural state of your being. It’s who you are when you’re not distracted.

But here’s where it gets tricky. We live in a world full of distractions, and the most potent of these are our own thoughts and emotions. 

The mind is like a TV with hundreds of channels, each one pulling your attention in a different direction. Some channels are full of scary thoughts, others are filled with desires. But at the end of the day, they’re all just channels—objects of Consciousness, not Consciousness itself.

The problem arises when we forget this ultimate truth - When we let this pass by our awareness without thinking anything of it like you might be literally right now.


When we become so engrossed in these thoughts and emotions that we think we are the mind, that’s when we lose our peace. That’s when we get caught up in the endless cycle of desire, fear, and suffering.

Let’s talk about meditation for a moment. 

Meditation isn’t about doing something.

I always laugh especially when people tell me, “oh exercise is meditation for me… I can’t do that sit still stuff though… It doesn’t work for me.”

So silly.

Meditation is about not doing. It’s about letting go of all those distractions and movements of the world and simply resting in your natural state. 

Now for those of you who have trouble sitting still, or who just haven’t found the joy in this yet… that’s because you have stored a bunch of junk inside yourself that is covering up your peace, joy and inner fulfillment…

Next time you sit in meditation, notice the junk, let it be, and then redirect your attention back to the seat of Consciousness - the thing that is aware of the junk. 

It’s like noticing the TV is on but choosing not to watch it.

You are redirecting your normal flow of attention from things outside of yourself, to the Self itself.

Take a second to read that again… In fact i’ll say it for you - The purpose of meditation is to redirect your normal flow of attention from things outside of yourself, to the Self itself.

Over time, as you become more comfortable resting in your true self, something miraculous happens. You literally start to feel waves of peace and joy welling up from within. This isn’t something you’ve created; it’s simply the nature of Consciousness. It’s your natural state. The more you stay in this state, the less attractive the distractions become. You begin to realize that nothing outside of you can compare to the beauty of what’s inside.

Everything you’ve been trying to find joy in - making money, getting your relationship the way you want it, buying a new house or new things… none of that stuff outside compares to the joy you can feel inside by just sitting still a few minutes a day.

This is the essence of the spiritual path I have found—not struggling to achieve some distant goal, but simply not leaving the place you already are. The more you let go of the distractions, the more you experience the natural bliss of your true self. As this bliss becomes more real to you, the less you’ll be pulled away by the mind’s endless chatter.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “This sounds great, but my mind is always running. I can’t just stop thinking.” And you’re right—it’s not about stopping your thoughts. They probably will never stop the majority of your life… So it’s not about that - It’s about not being interested in them. If you don’t feed them with your attention, they’ll pass by like clouds in the sky, leaving you undisturbed.

And here’s a deeper truth: The reason your mind is so busy, so full of chatter, is because it’s trying to release all the unresolved issues you’ve stored in it over the years. Those worries, fears, and desires—they’re all trying to come up and out, but instead of letting them go, we get caught up in them, trying to solve them, fix them, or fulfill them.

It’s so simple really if you internalize this.

But what if, instead of getting caught up, you just let them pass and go out ceasing to bother you? What if, when a disturbing thought arises, you simply relax and let it pass? What if, when your heart feels uneasy, you just relax, let it be, without trying to fix it or make it go away?

It’s really that simple… relax, release… And then eventually… happiness overwhelms your entire being.

This is the practice of letting go, and it’s the highest path you can walk. It’s not about denying your thoughts or emotions. It’s about recognizing that you don’t have to follow them. You don’t have to leave your seat of Consciousness just because your mind or heart is pulling at you.

Imagine this: The next time something bothers you—whether it’s a harsh word from someone, a fear about the future, or a painful memory—try something different. 

Instead of reacting, just notice the disturbance and relax.

The Beatles were into this stuff.. Listen to them - Let it be, and let it go. 

Let it be, let it be, oh, let it be.

The beatles in india… A great documentary. Sadly their guru pictured above turned out to be a bit of a creep, but the teachings still hold strong. Harrison was a big fan of Yogananda and is quoted on the back of the book.

You’ll find that when you let your mind and emotions just be as you shine the light of awareness on them, the disturbance passes, and you’re left with the peace that was always there, waiting for you.

And the more you do this, the more you’ll start to live from a place of deep inner peace. You’ll find that life becomes less about avoiding pain or chasing pleasure, and more about simply being—being in your true, natural state, untouched by the ups and downs of life.

So, let me leave you with this: You don’t need to “seek” your true self, because you already are your true self. 

All you need to do is stop leaving it. 

Stop getting distracted by the mind and the heart, and start resting in the seat of your own Consciousness. 

From this place, everything else will fall into place. You’ll find the peace, joy, and love that you’ve been seeking, not out there in the world, but right here, within yourself.

Take this journey seriously, but don’t make it a struggle. It’s not about fighting or renouncing anything. It’s about letting go of what’s pulling you away from the peace that’s already yours. It’s about being who you truly are, right now, and letting the distractions fade away.

Let’s continue this journey together, and I can’t wait to hear about how this resonates with you.



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