"The Life of a Travel Ho"

New YouTube video out now

New video is live, click the image above to watch.

First one in a WHILE.

YouTube is where everything started for me, but to be honest I’ve had a love hate relationship with it.

I started YouTube out of my love for creating videos about 15 years ago. My first youtube videos were actually similar to the one i just posted, which is why I like it and enjoyed making it so much.

I always loved making almost ‘story-line music video’ type videos with friends, while traveling. I guess you could say I’ve been a travel ho for quite some time now.

Here’s a video from 13 years ago I made on a snowboarding trip:

Filmed on a state of the art brand new HD potato.

Anyway, the new video dives into the last 6 months while sharing some of the songs I’ve enjoyed the most this year, intending to make you feel some emotions I’ve been feeling.

That’s really the point of art, to move people to feel something.

And that’s why I’ve had a love hate relationship with YouTube.

I started YouTube really as an art project. Of course I had a roadmap and plan to make money. But the initial, primary intention behind the work was to simply practice making videos, telling stories, and editing. Because it was fun. That was it. Then, if I made some money that was a bonus.

And although I know YouTube is a tool that can be used to make lots and lots of money, and I’ve gone back and forth as to whether I should pursue that path… I have decided, at lesat for this next season, that I will not be pursuing profits on youtube.

And I hope that you have something in your life that is similar. Obviously it’s important to be building your business engine, and I’m doing that elsewhere, but I think it’s equally important to have an outlet for you creative juices to flow, unhinged from the idea of turning a profit.

So - for me - in this next season of it is what it is, i’m getting back to my roots. I’ll be making videos from the heart. And to be honest I have no idea what the videos will bring, that’s not up to me.

You’ll often here musicians say things like, “well I wanted the song to to sound this way… but that’s not where the song wanted to go, so I sang it like this.”

That’s how I feel with these videos. The more i let the video dictate itself what’s going to happen, the better the video becomes.

“The Life of a Travel Ho”


The video starts in late August, Cape Cod summer 2023.

One of my favorite times and places on earth. Despite all the travel I’ve done to the most incredible places around the world, the Cape is really unbeatable for me personally. Perhaps its because I have childhood friends and of course my Mom and Dad here, but I really believe the serene, Godly landscape and energy here is unmatched.


From the Cape, I headed down to new york city to meet up with the entreprneurial legend, Nick Kozmin.

Nick has made over $20 million take home in profit from products he has sold and contributed to creating more than a billion dollars of enterprise value through his work.

But what went down in NYC is honestly hard to explain, so I hope the energy in the video help communicate that.


Halloween. Jordan, Casin & hoobe gang met up in LA to throw a few insane parties with David Dobrik, unruly, and Diplo.


A small town, Northeast of LA, in the sticks, filled with unexpected beauty. Getting into nature. Dialing in for end of Q4 and reflecting on the year and life.


We went to F1, this was fun.

Honestly, I’m done summarizing just go watch the video.
