The Two Truths That Can Set You Free

A Journey from Neurosis to Liberation

Arlin here. 

Let’s dive into something profound, something that slices through the noise we’ve been conditioned to believe is important—the truth. 

The Bible says, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." 

But what kind of truth are we talking about? 

Today, we’ll explore two fundamental truths that aren't arguable—they're experiential. They hold true in Bali, Capri, Cape Cod, Russia, here, there and everywhere. 

These truths have always been and always will be, forming a foundation that can cut through the neurosis and anxiety that so many people suffer from today.

Truth #1: You’re Sitting on a Planet in the Middle of Nowhere

Now, this is a funny one because it's so basic, yet so often ignored. We all know we're on Earth, spinning around in space, but how often do we actually think about it? I mean, really think about it. It’s not a small detail—it’s everything. You’re sitting on a planet that’s spinning around in the middle of absolutely nowhere. And I do mean nowhere. The closest star is 4.5 light-years away—that's a beam of light traveling for 4.5 years at 186,000 miles per second. Imagine that. You’re in the middle of all that emptiness, on a little planet that’s teeming with life. 

Or maybe you think the earth is flat (I know people that do). Either way you’re in this vast realm, and it’s pretty wild.

Yet, we focus on the smallest, most insignificant parts of our world. We get upset when someone doesn't return our call or when we can't find our phone or keys. Our minds become fixated on these tiny, tiny parts of the universe, ignoring the vast expanse of everything else that exists. That’s what I call the limited personal mind, as opposed to the universal mind, which considers the bigger picture.

Einstein and others who engaged in universal thought were different because they didn’t let their minds get sucked into the minutiae of daily life. But most of us do. We fixate on the small stuff, and our world becomes as small as a prison cell.

Now, expand that perspective. What if you realized that the moment you’re currently in is just one of countless moments in the universe? What if you understood that every moment is statistically insignificant in the grand scheme of things? The truth is, every single moment in the universe is just as important—or unimportant—as every other moment. Yet, we cling to the ones we experience as if they matter more. 

Guesssss what!?

They don't. 

When you understand that, when you truly grasp that you're on a planet spinning in the middle of nowhere, it changes everything. The tension, the anxiety, the neurosis—they all stem from forgetting this truth. You’re giving too much importance to your little world and not enough to the fact that you're part of something so much bigger.

Truth #2: You’re Not Staying Here

Here’s the one people really don’t like to think about: you’re not going to be here forever. And no, this isn't news, but it’s a truth that people avoid like the plague. Every single thing that has ever been born has died. 

Crazy eh?

So why do we act like we’re exempt? We’re not. You dropped down onto this planet for a little while, and then you’re going to leave. That’s it. And we have no idea where we came from or where we’re going, but here’s the kicker: someday, you’re going to find out. 

Instead of fearing death, why not view it as the ultimate adventure? The greatest mystery of all time is what happens after we die, and you’re going to get to experience the answer firsthand. Why should that be a problem? If anything, it’s exciting… I mean seriously, you only get to die once, and you have no idea what happens after. Plus it's a 100% benefit, zero cost. You either go into nothingness and so there’s nothing to stress about - or you enter what all ancient religious traditions have discussed for millennia - you return to heaven and the creator of the universe in eternal bliss. (Or maybe you reincarnate as a chipmunk). Who knows really…

Wild no?

So what do these two truths mean? They mean that it’s insane to not enjoy your journey. You’re on a planet spinning in the middle of nowhere, and you’re not staying here forever. Why not make the most of every moment? You’ve been given an incredible gift—a body with 24 trillion cells, a mind that can create anything, and a heart that can feel a symphony of emotions. 

You’ve been dropped into a world teeming with life, while everywhere else in the universe is empty, and barren. 

How could you not be having the time of your life? Seriously, how could you not be in awe every single second of every single day? The only reason you wouldn’t be is because you’ve let your mind become fixated on the little things, the unimportant things, and forgotten these two fundamental truths.

The Original Sin: Resisting Reality

So why do people struggle to live in a state of ecstasy, to be completely present and enjoy the journey? It all comes down to one thing: resistance. 

When you resist reality, you suffer. 

It’s that simple. 

What’s resistance look like?

You drop down here with a clean slate, and your mind starts to process everything coming in through your senses. But instead of letting those experiences flow through you, you resist the ones you don’t like. 

You have one bad experience, and then you let it dictate all future experiences and it closes you off to any possible new experiences. OR - you have a good experience and you CLING to it like it’s the only good thing that could ever possibly happen to you.

Let’s say you had a great experience growing up somewhere as a kid. For example - I absolutely loved my upbringing on Cape Cod in Massachusetts. Imagine if I told myself - “I had such a good childhood - I’m never leaving this place ever.”

So I sacrifice all future potential opportunities to stay stuck trying to recreate the one limited experience I had growing up. How much would I miss out on?!

Or - flip that - lets say you had a bad experience in New York once. And so you told yourself - “Oh New York… One time I went there and I got robbed… I’m never going there again.”

Get it?

A wasp flies by, and you don’t like the fear it causes, so you push it away. But guess what? By resisting it, you’ve just stored it in your mind. And now, every time something reminds you of that wasp, that fear comes back. Even a little harmless fly gets you terrified.

It’s like you’re carrying around all this old baggage, and it’s weighing you down, making it impossible to enjoy life to its fullest potential.

In yogic philosophy, these are called samskaras—impressions or mental imprints. The more you resist, the more samskaras you accumulate, and the more trapped you become in your own mind. You’re no longer experiencing reality; you’re experiencing your mind’s distorted version of it. And that’s where the neurosis, anxiety, and tension come from.

In my course Tribe Accelerator, I discuss the concept of Illusion Neutralization. This is the actual exercise you can use to neutralize all of these Samskaras so that you can free yourself and live in truth.

This course is available inside the 8AM app. I encourage you to apply to The 8AM App. As a loyal member of the 8AM newsletter, I am giving you the private code to skip the waitlist for the 8AM app. The private code is ‘88’ and you can put it here in the application.

Here’s the beautiful thing: you don’t have to live so closed down. 

So closed down to life.

You can let go. 

You can choose not to resist reality, to accept it as it is, and to live in a state of openness and appreciation. You can enjoy the journey, every single moment of it, because you’re no longer trying to manipulate the world to fit your limited, personal mind’s desires.

Living with These Truths

So how do you live with these truths? You practice. You practice expanding your mind, not letting it get fixated on the small stuff. You practice accepting reality as it is, without resistance. You practice letting go of the baggage you’ve been carrying around and choosing to live in a state of gratitude and awe.

Every day, every moment, you have the opportunity to let go of your personal self, your ego, and embrace the universal truth that you’re a part of something much bigger. And when you do that, everything changes. You start to feel a beautiful energy inside you, a joy that isn’t dependent on things going your way. It’s just there, lifting you up, carrying you through life with a smile on your face and peace in your heart.


When things get uncomfortable, or when you notice yourself fantasizing about how you wish things were… just relax, release and let go.

It sounds simple - but that’s really it. Just remember to do that every moment of your life.

That’s the journey, my friends. That’s the path to liberation, to truly being free. It’s not about changing the world; it’s about changing yourself, your perspective, and your relationship with reality. 

And when you do that, you’re not just living—you’re thriving.

Let’s all strive to remember the two truths as we go about our days. Let’s remember that we’re on a planet spinning in the middle of nowhere, and we’re not staying here forever. Let’s make the most of it, together.

Peace and blessings,


PS - if you’re enjoying these letters, please share parts that resonate on your instagram story and tag me! And / or DM me your feedback on instagram I read and respond to almost all DMs.

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